5. Assessment of the Predisposing Factors on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Preventive Practices among Pregnant Women in Southwest Nigeria: An Insight into SDG 3 Attainment

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Adegbore A. K.
Olabode A. T.
Lawal M. A.
& Bello B. O.


Background: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 mandates aimed at ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages. Therefore, this study aimed to document the knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices (KAP) regarding hepatitis B virus (HBV) and their associated socio-demographic variables as the predisposing factors, which align with the SDG goal. Methodology: A facility-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 pregnant women in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Data were collected using a semi-structured and interviewer-administered questionnaire among the respondents on knowledge, attitude and preventive practices of HBV. Knowledge about Hepatitis B was measured on a 9-point scale, with scores categorised as poor (≤4) and good knowledge (>4 to 9). Attitudes were measured on a 32-point scale and categorised as negative (≤15) and positive (>16 to 32). Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were used for data analysis, with statistical significance set at p≤0.05 using SPSS version 30. Results: The respondents’ mean age is 26.8+3.8. The mean knowledge score is 2.88+0.47, with 32% having good knowledge of HBV. The respondents’ number of pregnancy (F(4,195=8.202,P=0.000); educational level (F(3,196=4.023,P=0.008); and ages (F(14,185=1.876,P=0.031) were significant with the HBV knowledge. The weighted mean score of the respondents' attitudinal disposition towards HBV is 6.72±0.41, with 21% having positive attitudes. Only the respondents' ages are significantly associated with their attitudes (F(14,185=2.376, P=0.005). Lastly, the preventive practice of HBV has a weighted mean of 2.24±0.45, giving 28% of the respondents good practice. The respondents’ educational level (F(3,196=5.913, P=0.001) and occupation (F(3,196=3.850, P=0.010) were significant with the HBV preventive practices. Conclusion/Recommendation: The study revealed a poor outcome on the predisposing factors (KAP of HBV). Interventions targeting pregnant women, with considerations for the associated socio-demographic variables, are necessary to improve the deficits to achieve SDG 3 by the year 2030.




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