About the Journal
The FUJBMHES welcomes research article, review, case study, etc, and submissions on basic medical and health sciences.
The FUJBMHES aims to publish high-quality papers on all medical and health sciences aspects; by including papers based on novelty, the journal facilitates the research processes and strives to publish thoroughly reviewed and decisively accepted research outcomes in the form of manuscripts as long as they are technically found correct and scientifically worthwhile.
The FUJBMHES encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results, from which many contributions could be meticulously deduced; this journal strictly adheres to quality control via an open peer review and is practising an internationally open-access publication.
All contents are unrestrictedly available at no charge to users or their institutions as an open-access journal. Users are permitted to copy, distribute, download, link to, print, read, or search the entire contents of the articles or use them for any other knowledge-contributing purpose, with no need to get permission from the author or publisher; FUJBMHES.
All officially reviewed and accepted manuscripts will immediately be online, allowing authors to receive the associated benefits.
The FUJBMHES is international in scope and not confined by any country or regional boundaries.