Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Management & Social Sciences

Editor’s Note

We welcome our esteemed readers to yet another issue of this Journal which is gaining increasing visibility in the scholarly community. The Fountain University Journal of Management and Social Sciences is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes academic and policy research articles in diverse disciplines including, accounting, finance, business administration, management, economics, sociology, public administration, political science, media and mass communication, and criminology and security studies, among others.

This November 2024 edition consists of eight research articles, four of which are top quality papers drawn from the 2nd International Conference of the College of Management and Social Sciences, Fountain University, Osogbo, Nigeria. This edition focused on the economic, management, political, media and communication, socio-economic, and socio-political issues. It starts with the study of Olawuyi and Odesola, which investigated the issue of gender stereotypes among filmmakers in Nollywood films. Related to this is the study by Kesseh, which examined and discussed the politics of Twitter ban in Nigeria. Specific contributions to political issues were made by Animashaun and Omitola, as well as Sheu and Ogunsola. While Animashaun and Omitola addressed the issue to political party finance and its relationship with nomination for political positions in Nigeria, Sheu and Ogunsola analysed cases of kidnapping in Nigeria and explained how this could have been influenced by bad governance and corruption. Analysis of accounting ethics and governance integrity, and how effectiveness of these could help to restore public confidence in financial reporting was conducted by Olaoye and Agbaje. The contribution from the field of Sociology was made by Aluko-Arowolo et al. focusing on the review of physician and patients’ relationship in contemporary times. The contributions of Adegboyega and Irhue et al. have implications for business administration and management. While Adegboyega analysed the relationship between family structure and social development of children from the management perspective, Irhue et al. investigated the effect of leadership style on worker’s performance in Nigeria’s organisations. All the studies presented plausible conclusions and relevant policy implications for policy makers.  

We appreciate the contributions of all the authors. If lapses are found in this production, we apologise and promise to improve on them in subsequent releases. But if readers find it a pleasant menu, we hope to sustain the quality in tandem with our irrevocable commitment to give the Journal greater visibility in the scholarly market.

Tirimisiyu F. Oloko, Ph.D.


Published: 2025-01-26

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