Tajdīd (reform or renewal, a concept in Usul al-fiqh denotes rejuvenation of what has been obliterated in the application of Quran, and Sunnah and also cutting off what has surfaced in terms of heresy and unprecedented invention has been perceived from a number of scholarly perspectives. Contemporary Muslim reformist ideology is a hard and diverse phenomenon comprising of a number of discourse and activists with different reform agendas and sentiments. It is observed that incessant attacks and stigma unleashed on reformists and their thoughts is needless. This paper adopts doctrinal method to study tajdīd and subsequently reveals that these reformists differ in the manner in which they approached tajdīd while allotting to it different hermeneutical positions in their overall approach to Islamic legal theory. It is also found that the major approaches to renewal took the form of rethinking the structural idea of the discipline and or rethinking the content accordingly. This paper, therefore, expands our understanding of the role and usefulness of tajdῑd and its various approaches to our contemporary space and time.
Keywords: Approaches, Tajdῑd Usul al-Fiqh,
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