The proscription of the use of force under article 2 (4) of the United Nations (UN) Charter is generally accepted as having the effect of a treaty provision as well as customary principle in international law. Interestingly, the scope and effect of article 2 (4) is still being debated. Emerging trends on the use of cyber space creates a new dimension to the argument on the scope of article 2 (4). In 2017, North Korea allegedly hacked South Korean Defence systems stealing terabytes of sensitive defence data, and was also suspected of masterminding the hacking of a US filmmakers’ data base resulting in losses of millions of dollars. In response, the US allegedly engineered a devastating attack on the North Korean cyber space, and sanctioned North Korea for the hacking of Sony Pictures. Again, the US accused Russia of meddling in its electoral process largely using the cyber space, thus, imposed several sanctions on Russia. Russia also retaliated by expelling some US diplomatic staff from Moscow. Using doctrinal research methodology, this paper examines how these activities relates to the international legal regime on the use of force. It aims to establish how the occurrences of cyber warfare have influenced an emerging reinterpretation of article 2 (4). The paper relied on wide literature relating to the use of force and cyber warfare to achieve the objective of interpreting article 2 (4) in line with contemporary happenings. It argues that cyber warfare could amount to an armed attack capable of activating the right of other states to self-defence. The paper finds that states and publicists have equally treated cyber warfare as an armed attack, though determining the proportionality or necessary retaliatory actions may be a complex issue.
Keywords: Use of Force, Cyberspace, Cyber-warfare, UN Charter, International Law.
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For argument along the same line, See (n 2), 73.
(n 11).
Albrecht Randelzhofer and Oliver Dorr, Article 2 (4): in The Charter of the United Nations, Bruno Simma and others (eds), (3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2012). 40.
Valuch, Gábriš, and Hamu?ák, (n 11).”
Marco Roscini, Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2014). 77.
Valuch, Gábriš, and Hamu?ák, (n 11) 33.
Valuch, Gábriš, and Hamu?ák, (n 11) 33.
James J Wirtz, Cyber War and Strategic Culture: The Russian Integration of Cyber Power into Grand Strategy, in Kenneth Geers, (ed) Cyber War in Perspective: Russian Aggression Against Ukraine, (vol. 3, NATO CCD COE Publications, 2015), 29–37. 67.
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(n 22).
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M. Goodrich L and E Hambro, Charter of the United Nations; Commentary and Documents, (2nd ed, Stevens & Sons, 1949,). 6-7.
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(n 15)1398. 1399.
(n 15), 1401.
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The Nicaragua Case; (n 2),14. 103 paras 195.
Claus Kreß, 'Armed Attack’ and Article 51 of the UN Charter. Evolutions in Customary Law and Practice', [2014] (83) (1) Bybil; 145–60, doi:10.1093/bybil/brt010.
Tom Ruys, "Armed Attack”and Article 51 of the UN Charter: Evolutions in Customary Law and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2010). 3.
On this, (n 15), 1401-2.
(n 2). 94.
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports, (1996). 245.
Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v United States of America), ICJ Reports 161 (2003). 1361
( n 15), 1426.
( n 51). 209.
William H. IV Taft, 'Self-Defense and the Oil Platforms Decision', Yale J. Int’l L, [2004], (29), 295. 302.
Oscar Schachter, 'The Right of States to Use Armed Force', Mich. L. Rev, [1984] (82) (1), 620–46. 1635.
(n 51) 210.
Case Concerning Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America, ICJ Reports (2003). 37, Para 76.
(n 15), 1426.
(n 66).
Stephenie Gosnell Handler, 'The New Cyber Face of Battle: Developing a Legal Approach to Accommodate Emerging Trends in Warfare', Stanford Journal of International Law [2012] (48) (1); 209–37. 210: Jozef Valuch, Cyber Attacks, Information Attacks, and Postmodern Warfare, Baltic Journal of Law & Politics (2017) (10:1) 910:1: 63–89 DOI: 10.1515/bjlp-2017-0003, 72: Michael N. Schmitt, Computer Network Attack and the Use of Force in International Law: Thoughts on a Normative Framework, Colum. J. Transnat'l L. (1999) (37) 885, 938.
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports (1996). 226, para 39.
(n 58), 515.
(n 15), 1419.
(n 72).
( n 11) 78.
NATO, 'Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen Following the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the Level of Heads of State and Government during the NATO Wales Summit', 05 September, 2014,
(n 31).
Michael N Schmitt, Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare (Cambridge University Press, 2013). 26.
(n 31).
For more on this, see Malcolm N Shaw, International Law, (8th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2017). 1178-9.
(n 34).
( n 10).”
See S Chesterman, 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold War: Intelligence and International Law', Michigan Journal of International Law; [2006] (27) (4) 1071–1130.
(n 10).
( n 80).
See United Nations, n 11 art. 2 (1) & (4); Kawser Ahmed, 'The Domestic Jurisdiction Clause in the United Nations Charter: A Historical View', Singapore Yearbook of International Law: [2006] (10)175–97.
(n 46); 14-15.
Pascal Brangetto, Tomáš Minárik, and Jan Stinissen, 'From Active Cyber Defence to Responsive Cyber Defence: A Way for States to Defend Themselves – Legal Implications', in Dr Petra Ochmannova (ed) Legal Issues Related to Cyber, (35th ed, Monte DeBoer, 2014), . 20.
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(n 90); 20.
See The Nicaragua Case (Merits), (n 2) . 103 paras 195.
Georg Nolte and A. Randelzhofer. "Article 51 in Bruno Simma and others (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary (vol. II.OUP 2012), 1420.
Sarah Left, 'Iraq War ‘Waged on False Intelligence', The Guardian, 9 July, 2004. › World › Iraq .
Marco Roscini, 'World Wide Warfare - Jus Ad Bellum and the Use of Cyber Force', in Armin Von bogdandy and R Wolfrum (eds) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, (vol. 14, Koninklijke Brill N.V, 2010); 85–130. 96.
(n 69).161, Para 57.
See for example, BBC NEWS, 'Cyber-Attack: US and UK Blame North Korea for WannaCry', 19 December, 2017, .
(n 94); 1420.
( n 80). Rule 9.
Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force, (3rd ed, Oxford University Press, 2008). 148.
Case Concerning Oil Platforms, (n 69) 161. Para 143; Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, 1996. 226 para 141.
Matthew Waxman, 'Cyber Attacks as Force under UN Charter Article 2(4)', International Law Studies; [2010] (87) (4) 43–57. 48.
(n 90); 17.

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